Tuesday, May 28, 2019


Any decent theory on a case should answer outstanding questions. There are several questions which the myth of Plan B simply punts on, or has such an obviously bad answer, and which I submit are only reconciled by recognizing there was no plan B, and that the two bombs were set for different times. If my theory is wrong, I would demand the alternatives provide satisfactory answers to these questions and others.

1) Why did they start shooting at 11:19?

2) Why did they start shooting on the stairs?

3) Why did they start shooting outside?

One must answer all three of these questions. "Because the bombs failed to explode at 11:17" is the orthodox answer to 1), though that hardly answers the question, as illustrated by questions 2) and 3).  1 minute to change plans by itself is absurd when it is at least admitted they had no pre-meditated plan B. 

The orthodox answer to 2) is that for some reason, the bombs failing means you change plans from the parking lot to the stairs. I suppose because of elevation, though it is never explained why no elevation is ok if the bombs go off but necessary if the bombs fail.

3) exposes these two orthodox answers for what they are, as if plan B was engaged there would be no reason not to enter a cafeteria timed to be at its fullest and get maximum casualties by shooting there.  Indeed, if you think they entered the library because of its number of victims, it becomes even more absurd why they did not begin shooting in the cafeteria.

Very obviously it seems to me, there are better answers, denoted with the a:

1.a) and 3.a) Because they thought the bomb was about go off at 11:20

Shooting because they think the bombs are about to work makes much more sense than shooting because they think the bombs failed, especially when it is admitted they had no contingency plans if the bombs failed and were confident they would work. The same answer for 3), which there simply is no answer for on the orthodox interpretation. All one can do is feign how mysterious the whole thing is and appeal to the sense of tragedy to avoid the non-answer.

2.a) Because they were shielded from the bombs up on the stairs, and could move either way the victims in the cafeteria went.

There simply is no answer for what they would do out in the parking lot when glass went flying into it or their victims turned around. The first is simply brushed off as somehow not an issue in Cullen's book, and the second issue is never even mentioned. Indeed as before the only reason I can think to pass it over is so Dave Sanders telling them to turn around was a stroke of genius instead of planned for from the beginning.


4) Why did Eric stay on top of the stairs and Dylan descend them?

5) Why did they enter the west entrance?

6) Why did they first shoot Rachel and Richard in front of the west entrance, and next shoot Daniel/Lance/Sean at the bottom of the stairs?

7) Why did Dylan shoot only 3 times with his TEC-9 outside, yet shot Lance in the face with his shotgun?

The answer to 4) on the orthodox interpretation will simply be "to check on the bombs", but that is not an answer. It's what Dylan apparently did after descending them, but that does not mean it was his reason for descending them, and given they acknowledge the plan was to shoot people fleeing the cafeteria, which you cannot do from the top of the stairs, it is easy to figure out he was supposed to shoot those fleeing the cafeteria once you disregard the myth that they knew the bombs failed.

Further, Eric could have gone with him.  And as pointed out before, if they already knew the bombs failed, and had begun murdering because of this, as the orthodox interpretation says, it seems strange to need to check as if one wasn't already committed to their failure.

It also makes sense that Eric stayed on top when one realizes only Eric, not Dylan, shot at cops that day. It is also what Eric says "natural selection" (as his shirt read) refers to in his journal, being in an "Ultimate Doom" game, where you have to shoot monsters - or police, who can shoot back. And it is also Dylan, not Eric, who first mentions the idea of killing students and going "NBK".

Again for 5) and 6) on the orthodox interpretation one has to feign mystery; they were playing God and chose victims for their own bizarre peculiar reasons. They didn't like the look of Rachel and Daniel. It had nothing to do with where they were located.  One I suppose can realize they entered the west entrance to cut off their victims escape, but that is already giving up a lot of the orthodox interpretation that they were improvising.

For 7) there is the "follower" interpretation of Dylan, where he only shoots when Eric is watching and barely at that. But then there is the issue of shooting Lance in the face. There is also Dylan's gun not  being very good. This is at least plausible. TEC-9's do jam and he discarded a 50 round magazine outside apparently because of this.  However, given the answers to the other two it seems apparent there is a better answer.

4.a) Dylan descended the stairs to shoot students fleeing  from the cafeteria. Eric stays up on the stairs to cover Dylan's back and shoot police.

5.a) To cut off their victims escape from the cafeteria.

6.a) They needed the west entrance clear to enter when their victims in the cafeteria turned around. They needed the stairs clear for Dylan to descend and shoot those fleeing into the parking lot.

7.a) Dylan was to shoot people fleeing with his TEC-9, hence he did not wish to waste ammo and/or do more than test fire, but was fine with using the shotgun on Lance.

In the library:

8) Why did they keep saying in the library that the library was going to explode and kill everyone in it?

9) Why tell John Savage to run rather than just not shoot him?

10) Why was Bree told she would die in the explosion by Eric, John told to run if he wants to live by Dylan, but Evan Todd told by Dylan that he was letting him live?

11) Why was Corey the last to die at 11:35, and they leave the library at 11:36?

8) is the real doozy in my opinion. It kills the entire notion that they started shooting when the bombs failed, and thus kills that they were going to shoot from the parking lot and moved on to "plan B" as well as the notion that both cafeteria bombs were set for 11:17.  There is no answer on the orthodox view. Again, mystery, they were lying, they were psychotic. Those are the kind of answers they have to give.

For 9) one can say they feared getting him with a pipe bomb or something, but they failed to even injure one person with a pipe bomb.  Understanding that the library was supposed to explode and everybody in it die, which is exactly what they said, several times, is the only way to make this work. On the orthodox interpretation they just can't control themselves and avoid shooting him apparently.

10) and 11) again shows the strength of the second bomb interpretation and the weakness of the orthodox interpretation. The orthodox answer has to be mystery and to pretend I am reading minds by observing the facts.

8.a) They thought the second bomb was still in play. Very simply, because they thought the library was going to explode and kill everyone in it is why they said they library was going to explode and kill everyone in it.

9.a) Because if he stayed in the library, he was to die in the coming explosion.

10.a) Because between the talk with Bree and John, and the talk with Evan, the time had passed for when the second bomb was set to explode

11.a) Because the second bomb was set to explode at 11:35.

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